The game Paragon from Epic Games will be shut down in April, the company has announced. All development on the game will stop and the servers will shut down. It’s disappointing news for fans, but the company is promising a refund for anyone who has ever made a purchase in the game. Why the closure? Because Paragon has failed where Fortnite has excelled.
Paragon is available for free on PC and PlayStation 4, and while it’s not exactly unpopular, it doesn’t enjoy the same massive attention that Fortnite is currently getting. In a post on its Paragon forums yesterday, Epic Games offered an update on Paragon’s future, saying that “with heavy hearts we’ve decided to close down” the game.
That closure will take place on April 26. “We truly appreciate everything you’ve put into Paragon,” the company said to players. “We received many passionate ideas for where to take the game; the outpouring of thoughtful suggestions is another testament to this incredible community.”
The reason for the closure, according to the company, is the lack of a “clear path” that will result in enough players to turn Paragon into a sustainable MOBA. “We have failed you — despite the team’s incredibly hard work — and we’re sorry,” Epic Games said.
The company warns that the number of players will continue decreasing over coming months, and so those who stick around until the end will have increasing trouble with matchmaking times and similar. To get the refund, PS4 owners should link their Epic account to the game; PC players can request their refund here.